System Principles


Competency Based 
  • Focus on the mastery of key skills/competencies
  • Practical vs theoretical approach
  • Based on Quality Standards and LTAD stages
  • Ability to adapt to needs (learner center)
On-Going Development
  • Culture of constant and never-ending improvement
  • Professional development policy to maintain active certification status
  • Nurture next gen coaches
  • Certification, PD and resources based on the 3 streams
  • Based on LTAD stages
  • Support in home environment
  • Expert Coach Developers selected based on needs of Industry
  • Coaching development based on individual needs
Leading Edge
  • ITF Gold Standard recognition
  • On-going adjustment of curriculum content and resources
  • Awareness of International best practices
  • Integrated Player and Coach development system
  • Leader in Safeguarding